At Christmas and the beginning of the year, BüllsPort’s most fervent wish came true. RAIN! More than two-thirds of the entire past rainy season. Even the interval between the rains was ideal. Whether Naukluft mountains or plains: Everywhere the bare brown is covered in soft green…

On Christmas Day, 6 mm of rain fell, followed by 20 mm the next day (after 3 mm and 4 mm on 12 and 19 December). The first weekend of the New Year brought a second helping: 10 mm on Friday and 5 mm on Saturday.

Makes a total of 48 mm. More than two-thirds of the entire past rainy season. From October 2023 to May 2024, BüllsPort received just 68 mm. The long-term annual average is around 220 mm.

Even more important than the total amount was the fact that most of the current rain did not fall as a downpour. Instead, it fell gently and widely distributed, allowing the bone-dry soil to soak up the water.

The interval, in turn, was of crucial importance for the pasture. This is because the tenderly sprouting grasses wither quickly in the blazing sun. As in the last rainy season, in which the 68 mm were spread over three isolated rain events.

Because the current two main rainfall events were less than two weeks apart, the grasses were able to continue to grow and develop seed. Which promises more grass in future rains. Three of the 20 horses (BüllsPort also offers horse riding), three cattle and two calves are already grazing in areas with tall grass.

Farmers share rain figures on WhatsApp
Maltahöhe BüllsPort good rains rivier dry river bed lake Namibia

At Maltahöhe 110 km south-east of BüllsPort the good rains have turned a rivier (dry river bed) into a lake. Photo: Screenshot of a video on social media

In the WhatsApp group of the Maltahöhe Farmers’ Association, the messages came thick and fast. “Kachauchab 30 mm, Karichab 23 mm. Baie dankbar [very grateful]”, read one of the dozens of posts on the Saturday after the New Year.

Heavy rain in the Tsondab catchment area caused the rivier (dry river) to flow. The Tsondab runs through the farm area and the private nature reserve of BüllsPort Lodge & Farm.

In deeper places, the water often remains for months. This attracts game and many birds, which guests can experience on hikes.

The Tsondab Rivier then crosses the Naukluft Mountains and passes Solitaire about 10 kilometres to the southwest. It finally flows into the Tsondab Vlei, where dunes of the Namib Desert block its further path to the coast. However, this time the floods did not make it to the vlei.

Rain even in the Namib Desert
Rain Namib Desert Solitaire BüllsPort Namibia

Rain in the Namib Desert, here at Solitaire 50 km northwest of BüllsPort. Photo: Screenshot of a video on social media

According to media reports, large parts of southern Namibia have received heavy rain. The maximum value was 70 mm (see Informanté report). It even rained in the Namib Desert, as a video recorded near Solitaire and shared on social media showed. Many riviers (dry rivers) turned into raging torrents for hours.

The Tsauchab Rivier flowed all the way to its end point at Sossusvlei. Anyone travelling there had to stop on the tarred road and wait for hours (see video on the Informanté website). The road, which is around 60 kilometres long, crosses the Tsauchab at a point with a cemented ford.

flood wave self-drive tourist Tsauchab rivier dry river cemented ford tar road Sossusvlei Namibia

After the flood wave has subsided, a self-drive tourist crosses the Tsauchab rivier (dry river) at the cemented ford of the tarred road to Sossusvlei. Photo: Screenshot of a video on social media

The Fish River brought massive inflow to the Hardap Dam about 190 km south-east of BüllsPort. The water level in Namibia’s second largest reservoir dropped to 5.5 per cent in October. Irrigation of the surrounding agricultural land had to be terminated.

Due to the rain at the beginning of the year, 27.4 billion cubic metres of water poured into the reservoir through the Fish River. The level rose to 14.8 per cent. Farmers are now allowed to withdraw 80 per cent of their quota for irrigation again. The Neckartal Dam west of Keetmanshoop also received an inflow.

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