The email from the Newiger family came out of thin air. “We’ve just come across the ‘My Quiver Tree’ initiative. A great idea, we would be happy to sponsor a tree.” That was 12 days before their arrival at BüllsPort, where they even chose their sponsor tree on site during a hike…
Newiger’s eye was actually caught by another tree, on the subpage of the ‘My Quiver Tree’ initiative on the BüllsPort website. The initiative supports nature conservation on BüllsPort. You can choose a quiver tree online as a sponsor tree: By appearance in a photo gallery and by location on a satellite map.
In their email, the Newiger family asked whether they could reach tree no. 50 on their hike through the Quiver Tree Gorge. The satellite map does show that it is down on a slope near the end of the gorge. But it says little about the nature of the terrain. You have to find your own way, BüllsPort replied, the slope is steep in places and consists of rubble.
Group photo with sponsor tree
And it looks completely different on site anyway, Michael and Natalija realised two weeks later with their daughter Juni and their sons Piet and Wim. “We were approaching the end of the Quiver Tree Gorge and were no longer sure where the sponsor trees were.”
So they chose the next best quiver tree that caught their eye and scrambled up to it. Took a group photo with the tree. Measured the GPS coordinates. And realised on their return that BüllsPort had not yet recorded the tree on its satellite map for the initiative.
But that was no problem. Thanks to the GPS coordinates, the tree could be easily located on the satellite image. So there is now another sponsor tree in the Quiver Tree Gorge. Added by the Newiger family.

Entry of the sponsor tree ‘Pijuwinami’ in the Quiver Tree Gorge in the NAUkLuFT on the satellite map of the ‘My Quiver Tree’ initiative of BüllsPort Lodge and Farm. Photo: Google Maps (Satellite)
Incidentally, the name of the tree is made up of the first two letters of the first names of its five godparents: PiJuWiNaMi. It is now shown on the satellite map, in the photo gallery and on the certificate of sponsorship issued by BüllsPort.
And what motivated the Newiger family to become sponsors? “We like to help protect the environment, preferably directly and without any company in between. Here we had the opportunity to see this on site.”
Contributing to nature conservation through sponsorship
The ‘My Quiver Tree’ initiative was born out of necessity. In the first year of travel restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, there was no income from hospitality. The initiative helped to maintain BüllsPort’s nature conservation work.
In the meantime, a severe drought has led to a loss of income for BüllsPort’s farm operation. Sheep farming had to be terminated. The horses can no longer find grass, so BüllsPort has to buy not only the supplementary feed, but the entire amount of feed required.
Travel agency recommends BüllsPort
But back to the Newiger family, who travelled to Namibia for the first time. How did they come across BüllsPort Lodge & Farm? “It was a suggestion from our travel agency ‘Horizont Fernreisen’ “, was the answer. “We wanted to spend a few days on a farm, in an informal setting and without all the frills.”
The Newiger family had booked a three-night stay, giving them two full days. In addition to the hike through the Quiver Tree Gorge, they also took a carriage ride through the gallery forest on the Tsondab dry river.
What did the five of them like best? “The family atmosphere. It was most like being at home. The way the food was served, e.g. soup in a big bowl from which you could help yourself.”
And of course the Naukluft Mountains: “The drive up the ridge, the guide’s explanations, e.g. about incense. The solitude & tranquillity during the hike.”

The sponsor tree and its sponsor parents (left to right): Michael, Piet, Juni, Wim and Natalija Newiger. By ‘adopting’ the tree as part of the ‘My Quiver Tree’ initiative, they are supporting nature conservation work at BüllsPort Lodge & Farm. Photo: The Newiger family
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