‘Time for Namibia’ is the slogan of a campaign that has been running in Germany since the beginning of December. With a prize question, the answer to which can be found in the promotional video. A hint: it is one of the many experiences that BüllsPort Lodge & Farm offers its guests…

In the promotional video on the campaign website, two elegantly dressed young women experience Namibia. They are travelling as self-drivers in a four-wheel drive vehicle. This is aimed specifically at female travellers, but of course also impressively reaches male holidaymakers.

The main partner of the campaign has the female target group in mind: The watch brand SEIKO, which uses ‘Time for Namibia’ to advertise its ‘Presage’ watches for women. Other partners are Landrover with its tour operator division Landrover Defender Experience and the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB).

All three partners communicate the ‘Time for Namibia’ campaign on their websites and social media platforms. In SEIKO shops throughout Germany, Namibia can also be encountered offline.

The start of the campaign beginning of December is ideal timing for the shopping season before Christmas and at that cold and damp time in Europe when people are planning their next summer holiday.

A competition (see campaign website time-for-namibia.de, in German only) provides additional attention. “On which animals do our SEIKO travellers Josie & Mümmi ride through Namibia?” is the question. As mentioned at the beginning: The promotional video provides the answer, and the ‘Experiences’ section on BüllsPort’s website gives a tip.

‘Time for BüllsPort’

SEIKO, Landrover and NTB promote the essence of Namibia, which is epitomised by BüllsPort (and similar places) with their slogan ‘Time for Namibia’. It allows for several interpretations. ‘High time’ and ‘Take your time’. Yes, even ‘High time to take your time’ – to slow down, to enjoy intensively.

‘Slow Movement’ and intense experiences are what guests repeatedly cite as highlights of their stay at BüllsPort Lodge & Farm. Incidentally, taking (more) time for BüllsPort is also worthwhile financially (see ‘Rates & Booking’): The longer the stay, the lower the rate per night.

Campaign Time for Namibia Watch brand SEIKO Tour operator Landrover Defender Experience Namibia Tourism Board NTB

Impression from the video of the ‘Time for Namibia’ campaign by the watch brand SEIKO, the tour operator Landrover Defender Experience and the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB). Photo: Screenshot of the campaign website time-for-namibia.de

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