What does BüllsPort preach to its guests to do? Drink, drink, drink. Whether in the warm summer or the cooler winter months. Especially when hiking. What happens if you ignore this became clear during (of all things!) an awareness campaign for prudent hiking…

The campaign took place in the Naukluft National Park at the beginning of April. The park borders directly on the private nature reserve of BüllsPort Lodge & Farm. Just in time for the start of the hiking season in the Fish River Canyon, the NAUkLuFT and other hiking hotspots in Namibia, the aim was to warn against reckless hiking.

Time and again, hikers get dehydrated on hikes in Namibia’s warm and dry climate because they don’t drink enough. Even when a headache sets in, they do not immediately reach for the water bottle.

Many hikers also underestimate the intense sunlight. Those who do not wear headgear can easily risk sunstroke. Not to be confused with the much more severe heat stroke, which is even life-threatening. Both are characterised by headaches and nausea.

Hike ends in hospital

The campaign went differently than planned. As the media reported, someone on the hike in the Naukluft National Park had to be evacuated due to dehydration and taken to the nearest clinic. Of all people, it was the head of the media department responsible for the campaign.

However, many were surprised that a stretcher was available so quickly in the rocky terrain. And some people wondered whether the accident had been staged to give the campaign more media attention…

BüllsPort ensures unadulterated hiking pleasure

When hiking in the Naukluft Mountains in BüllsPort’s private nature reserve, there has never been a case of such severe dehydration. But as mentioned: BüllsPort is telling its guests what to look out for when hiking.

BüllsPort’s website already states that headgear, sufficient water and sturdy shoes are an absolute must. There are also short descriptions and levels of difficulty for each of the 14 hiking trails on BüllsPort and the trails in the neighbouring Naukluft National Park (see page on hiking).

And on site, BüllsPort helps every guest to choose the hiking trails that suit them best. According to his or her interests, fitness and thirst for adventure. So that he/she can enjoy their hiking experience to the full. And rave about it over a glass of wine in the evening. Instead of being on a drip in hospital and finding his/her photo in the newspaper a few days later ;))

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